
The adventures of a knitting grandmother

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Location: United States

She spins, she knits, she blogs about it all.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th!

It's been a good day, even if the temperature has topped 100 again. I've been watering the garden like mad, and still I'm watching things die in front of my eyes from the heat. I only worked three and a half hours today, and I spent part of the rest of the day (when I wasn't watering) spinning on the Romance roving. This is what I have left to spin. I spun until it got too hot and then moved on to some knitting on the Trekking socks and another afghan square. I also played for a bit on Ravelry and started creating my notebook. It's going to take a while before I can really get all my information in there.

I had such a short day because my schedule for the week changed. I should have actually worked a full day. But now I have to work 38 hours over the next THREE days. Do the math. It wouldn't have been so bad if we were still in the old building, where I knew where to find anything and everything. But right now I'm still trying to remember where everything ended up when we moved last week. I tried to find two forms and one handbook this morning. I'll still be looking for the handbook tomorrow.

So much for getting all rested up.

Mike grilled T-bones, corn, and fruit (pears, plums, apricots, peaches, and nectarines) for us tonight. And we had his homemade tiramisu for dessert. The girls went on the roof to watch the local fireworks. Hope you had a great 4th, too!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops! Now, this is going to be a lot of work that you'll have to be doing in the next days - fingers crossed that everything works smoothly and that you'll have a bit more time to relax afterwards!
I'm sorry that your plants obviously don't like the heat over there at all - ours here are beginning to die from all the rain that we've been getting, they're hanging down with all the masses of water that's smashing onto them ;( Let's exchange our weather, what do you think? A bit of rain and coldness for you, a bit of your heat for me? ;)

10:35 PM  
Blogger roxie said...

Bless your dear heart! How can the idiots where you work do that to you? Two 13 hour days and a 12 hour day? And what happens if you just don't? will anyone die? Will part of the state be left wihout electricity? do retirement plans go up in smoke? I protest! It's outrageous!!

8:05 AM  

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