
The adventures of a knitting grandmother

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She spins, she knits, she blogs about it all.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Just a couple important things

I had an entire post pretty much ready to go tonight, and then I realized that a couple of important things needed to be addressed today. So the prepared post will have to wait its turn another day.

Today is Sandy's third blog anniversary. I found her blog not long ago (hey, I've only been blogging for a few months, so nothing is that long ago) from Margene's blog, and of course got intrigued originally by the sky pictures. In fact, in honor of her blogiversary, I have posted a picture I took last summer of the dusk sky at the Grand Canyon. But now, as so often happens lately, I have become intrigued by the entire blog content and am visiting her blog on a regular basis. I find that blogreading is taking up more of my time now, but gosh darn it, I'm just having too much fun doing it.

The second important thing about today is that I have been tagged by Ann for my first meme. So here goes...

Four Jobs You Have Had:

1. Child Care Provider
2. Pizza Maker
3. US Army Reservist
4. Data Entry Clerk (Anyone remember the old IBM keypunch machines? I was a speed demon in my day.)
None of these jobs are the one I have now. Just in case you were wondering.

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over

1. Chocolat
2. Mona Lisa Smile (Alright, I'm prejudiced on this one. Just because DIL was one of the "cast of thousands".)
3. The Jeweller's Shop (Movie based on play written by Pope John Paul II. Love the music score.)
4. I'm with Ann on this one. Fried Green Tomatoes and To Kill a Mockingbird.

Four Places You've Lived

1. Grew up in Detroit.
2. Germany
3. Georgia. Sorry. Too many bugs for my liking.
4. Arizona

Four TV Shows You Love To Watch

1. Monk
2. The Closer
3. Law and Order. Any variety.
4. The Weather Channel. (Alright. Maybe I don't love it. But it gets watched every day.)

Four Places You've Been on Vacation

1. France
2. Austria
3. New England
4. The Western National Parks. Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce, Yellowstone, Tetons, Yosemite, etc.

Four Websites You Visit Daily

No fair. I visit a lot of blogs daily. So pick four off my sidebar and let's move on.

Four Favorite Foods (You mean I can only pick four?)

1. Frog Legs. (Come on, I'm a Michigan girl. You can add lake perch to that, too.)
2. Quiche. Especially if you are eating it out of your hand while you stroll along the Seine. Even more so if you are in Paris with your husband. And no kids along.
3. Ghirardelli. Dark chocolate. Exceptionally good if eaten in San Francisco. On the wharf. Seafood is a close second.
4. My mother's Polish meatballs. The ultimate Pumpkinknitter comfort food.

Four Places You'd Rather Be Right Now

1. Visiting my granddaughter.
2. Standing on the north porch of El Tovar Hotel at the Grand Canyon. Getting ready to hike down.
3. Giessen, Germany. In the theater. On stage.
4. In Paris. Strolling the banks of the Seine. With the old man. No kids. With or without quiche.

Four Bloggers To Tag

Okay, whoever hasn't done it yet, considered yourself tagged. I want to see this when I visit next.

Have a great weekend, everyone.


Blogger JulieLoves2Knit said...

Pat - Today is blog visit day - and like days past I'm leaving my calling card so you know I've been here - do you have a small silver tray by your front door so I can drop it in?
I think I'm going to have to join this skywatch - I do it all the time anyway. Today ours is dreary and spitting snow - but at least we didn't get the terrible wind that was predicted.
So am enjoying my day - blogging and knitting away. I borrowed an OTT light from a friend - thought I'd try it out since I've been complaining about not enought light by my chair.
Knit on

2:23 PM  

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