
The adventures of a knitting grandmother

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Location: United States

She spins, she knits, she blogs about it all.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cafe Pacifico

Mazatlan was hot. An understatement. Mazatlan was tropically torrid. Although it was still morning, we were drenched with sweat while walking about the old city. The shops we entered were somewhat cooled by many fans, both floor fans and ceiling fans, but still were breathless with the heat and humidity.

What a pleasure, then, to see this lovely little green park surrounded by stores and restaurants, their tables spilling out onto the sidewalks!

And then the satisfaction of finding the Cafe Pacifico in a shady corner of the square.

The shade was provided by a number of ancient gnarled trees. Their green seed pods hung down nearly to the ground. The tables outside were covered with fallen leaves. Our hosts scurried around, apoligizing for the disarray. I couldn't make them understand that the drifts of leaves just added to the charm of the place.

We drank tall bottles of soda and enjoyed a basket of crisply fried tortilla chips and freshly made salsa. A musician strummed his guitar opposite us. It was cool and lovely and totally refreshing. A perfect break in the middle of our explorations.

Hey, handsome, wanna buy me a drink?

In answer to the question, I found the roving, not in Tucson, but in the shop I went to nearer my home. They had some yarn. They had some roving. They had a spinning wheel and some drop spindles. They had tons of quilting supplies and material, and a whole section of the shop dedicated to weaving. Looms. Cones of thread. Be still my racing heart. They are trying to start up a Monday night knitting group. Oh yes. Anyways, the shop owner helped me out and said that the roving is white top from Brown Sheep. I have no idea yet what "top" means. But that's what she told me. She said it would be easy for a beginner to spin. I have yet to test her out on that. She pulled out her drop spindle and gave me a quick refresher lesson.

I have yet to try it out. But the cats think the big ball is pretty cool. I'm supposed to get off work early tomorrow, and I hope to get at the spindle then. And I did weigh the sock yarn, and I still have more than half of the ball left to do the second sock.

Tomorrow, Puerto Vallarta. Mazatlan was all about architecture. Puerto Vallarta was all about gardens.


Blogger roxie said...

It's grey and rainy here. Your sunny pictures are a virtual vacation without the sweat. Yes, the drifts of leaves DO add to the charm!

Happy spinning! there are lots of web sites to help if you need it.

6:37 AM  

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