
The adventures of a knitting grandmother

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Location: United States

She spins, she knits, she blogs about it all.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Buddy of the Grand Canyon II

Someone else besides Annie came with us to the Canyon, as well. You remember Buddy the Hiker Dog. Buddy came with us the last time we camped at the canyon a couple years back. Even though it was a while ago, I'm positive that he remembered where he was, just by the excitement level he had once we got there and the fact that he remembered which way to go to get to the rim.

Buddy is the all around hiker dog. He's ready to go no matter the day or the time, or even if he's just finished his second three-mile hike of the day. No matter how tired he is, he's never too tired for another walk.

Is it time to go yet??

Hey, Annie, did you see that trail way over there? Let's go!!

Come on, Dad, hurry up and get off the phone already.

I know I'm full of dust and dirt, but do I have to have a bath on vacation? Sheesh!

I so tired!!!

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